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As a call center that connects the citizens to government services, we at Talian Darussalam 123 work with several government agencies that can help citizens with their issues. Below are the agencies that we are working with

Ministry of Development (MOD)

Ministry of Development is Brunei’s lead agency in providing the nation with infrastructures, public housing…

Department of Electrical Services

Department of Electrical Services (DES) is an electric utility company in Brunei Darussalam responsible for …

Land Transport Department

Land Transport Department (LTD) is a Road Transport Enforcement Authority of Brunei Darussalam….

E-Government National Centre (EGNC)

E-Government National Centre (EGNC) is a ‘one-stop’ government portal for the public on matters relevant to citizen…

Public Service Commission (PSC)

Public Service Commission (PSC) Recruitment System is a web-based platform which provides an online …

OneBiz Brunei Darussalam

OneBiz of Negara Brunei Darussalam is a one stop online portal to ease the starting up of …

Ministry of Health (MOH)

The Ministry of Health is the main agency that is responsible for direct or indirect delivery …

Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (MPABD)

The Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (MPABD) is responsible for licensing and…

DARE Enterprise (DARE)

DARE (Darussalam Enterprise) is a Statutory Body with the aim to nurture and support local enterprises from…

Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA)

Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) is the main agency that is responsible for the country’s administrative divisions,municipalities, immigration, labour, fire and rescue services, prison and rehabilitation institutions, and national disaster management. MOHA provides services by receiving public request, inquiries,…

Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS)

Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS) is the main agency that is responsible for the nation’s economic planning, provide national statistics for decision making, provide effective administration and support services for a conducive working environment, and to enforce…

Authority of Info-communications Technology Industry(AITI)

The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (AITI) is the main agency which is responsible for, Telecommunications and radiocommunications regulation, radiofrequency spectrum planning and management, and ICT industry development. AITI provides services by receiving public request, inquiries, complaints, & feedback…


The National Call Center for the non-emergency government services operating 24 hours daily.

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